Powerful Solutions with a Human Touch

Promisan B.V. is an Independent company which operates in The Netherlands with representation in Guatemala. We provide interactive consulting services, including design, development, and implementation of enterprise management and analytics solutions. We specialize in business analysis, solution design and system implementation services. We also provide affordable SaaS hosting (one-stop shop).

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  • • We start with an assessment to define if we can indeed add value to the customer's organization and determine if we will be able to meet their expectations.
  • • We present a detailed proposal that includes development phases, activities and costs.
  • • We reach an agreement by first and foremost ensuring commitment from both sides and establishing trust to work together.
  • • We focus on process rather than on technology.
  • • We provide solutions, not products.
  • • We organize first, then automate.
  • • We operate like a Living Lab – constantly creating, exploring and evaluating scenarios, concepts and social solutions for the best results in the context of the customer's organization.

We listen,
your input is
the most
important part
of the process.
We know that problem definition is 50% of the solution. Hence, in order to define the problem, we listen carefully to your needs. This helps us to set expectations right when it comes to information technology projects.
We provide
We constantly look for your involment in each project. For us, you are not 'another client' that will fit onto our solutions, but rather, you are unique and thus we do all we can to fit our solutions to your needs.
You obtain
clear and concise
reports that
help you make
correct decisions.
Once we work with you on enhancing your operations through information management, we move into your reporting needs. Data quality is always our main concern. Through honesty and teamwork we make sure your expectations are met.


  • adobe
  • adobe-coldfusion
  • ck-editor
  • microsoft-sql-server
  • jquery
  • telerik


Get an insight into our powerful framework

  • Changing and chaos, a necessary combination
    Hanno van Pelt, CEO Promisan
  • True life is lived when tiny changes occur.
    Leo Tolstoi
  • Rush is never good in building software. In order to succeed, organizations must be rationally involved in all the steps; being aware of the long term consequences.
    Armin Mazariegos
  • To take charge you have to be prepared to give up control.
    Hanno van Pelt, CEO Promisan
  • Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems.
    Rene Descartes
  • Things don't turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.
    James A. Garfield"

Learn more about us, ask questions,or set up an appointment.

Contact us today.